Alternative Apps for Instagram for Managing and Enhancing Photos
Although there are only 12 filters included, this Windows Phone alternative gives users a chance to Instagram their lives. On the upside, new filters are added to the back-end of the app frequently. The app is also a good looking offering, with a refreshingly clean and functional layout. Loading photos is a breeze; the only problems are the occasional app crash and no discernible way to tag friends.
The now Yahoo!- owned Flickr app is a neat offering; it has a nice layout with a photo-filled newsfeed, a whole range of filter options and various ways to keep your photo private or public. There’s also the option to join groups, tag your photo’s location and browse the photos of others, separated into two categories – interesting and nearby. Flickr is free and available on all the major operating systems.
A neat little app which allows you to apply filters but also to edit your photos, such as adjust brightness, contrast, even the frames around your photo, by swiping your fingers on screen. Even cropping is done by using both your thumb and forefinger and you can switch between effects by swiping up or down. While there are not too many filters on offer, this is a very simple and good looking Instagram alternative.