- 247 Billion Emails are sent every day. 81% are Spam (200 Billion Spam Emails Everyday), 90 Trillion Emails were Sent Every Year.
- What are People Using Mobile Internet for?
.10% Information.
.13% Financial & Banking.
.34% Pre-Pay Services.
.5% Purchasing, Games & Shopping.
- Twitter has 105 Million registered Users.
- Facebook has more than 400 Million Avtive Users.
- Youtube has 120-124 Million US Viewers, which is 1/3 of the entire US Population.
- Facebook has more than 6 Million Page views Per Minute.
- 2.5 Billion Images are uploaded to Facebook Every Month.
- 12.2 Billion Videos are Viewed on Youtube Each Month.
- Comming to Twitter, 50 Million Tweets Every Day, Today there are 600 Tweets Per Second.
- The Circumference of the Earth is about 25,000 Miles. Its Surface Area is about 200,000,000 Square Miles and it Weighs 6,588,000,000,000,000,000,000 Tons.
- Tim Berners Lee, Discovered the Phrase ''World Wide Web'' in 1990.
- Bill Gates's House was Designed using a Macintosh Computer.
- DVORAK Keyboard is More Efficient than QWERTY and 20 Times Faster.